Al het nieuws van en over onze amateurkunstenaars

Pastel Painting Workshop: “Fields of Gold”

Immerse yourself in the serene beauty of a rural landscape, where golden fields stretch towards distant mountains and sunlight dances…

Hyper-Realism drawing workshop

Hyper-Realism drawing workshop

Looking forward to my Hyper-Realism drawing workshop at Royal Talens Experience Centre There are still a few tickets left so…

Schilderworkshop – “Summer Sunset” met pastel

Schilderworkshop – “Summer Sunset” met pastel

Immerse yourself in the enchanting ambiance of a Summer Sunset, where the Sun has reached it’s final stage and delivers…

The Pastel Club – Apeldoorn

The Pastel Club – Apeldoorn

De pastelclub is een plek waar je samen met medestudenten en amateurkunstenaars samen kunt komen om te tekenen en schilderen…

Pastel Workshop

Pastel Workshop

If you love expressive mark making and always wanted to acquire those bold expressive gestures on your pastel paintings, this…

Pastel Painting Lessons

Pastel Painting Lessons

My name is André Rios. I’m a pastel artist and I specialize in realistic pastel painting. My favourite subject to…